Ti 89

An Examination of Graphing Calculator Prices on Amazon

If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that prices on Amazon seem less stable than those in brick and mortar stores. There have been times I’ve visited Amazon for a specific product, noted the price, and when I checked back in two days later, the price had changed significantly. Check again a week later, and it’s different still. Until recently, this was just anecdotal for me. I wasn’t sure if what I thought was true was really true.

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TI-92 Review

Looking to buy a TI-92 Plus? I recommend you find the best selection on a TI-92 on Ebay. When I started coaching our math team in 2007, I was shocked to find I’d inherited a closet full of TI-92’s just collecting dust. They were all in perfect working order despite being a decade old. Since it turned out they were allowed in our competitions, we set to work upgrading the operating systems, loading up apps, and training the kids on them.

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Advice for Buying a Used Graphing Calculator

For a great selection of used graphing calculators, click here to see Ebay’s full selection. While most end up buying a new calculator, some thrifty students (or their parents) end up buying a used graphing calculator. Much like buying a used car, the main advantage is depreciation. You can often buy a used graphing calculator for half of what a new one would cost. On the other hand, much like buying a used car, there are some risks.

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HP 50G Review

Click here to buy your HP 50G on Amazon . HP graphing calculators haven’t had the highest profile the last few years, but that’s about to change with the release with the upcoming HP Prime-review. Despite the lack of new models, the HP 50g has continued to be a popular choice, in fact, the most popular graphing calculator choice among HP fans. Back in the late 90’s when I was an engineering student at the University of Illinois and my graphing calculator of choice was actually, an HP, the HP 48gx.

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TI-89 Titanium Review

Click here to check the TI-89 Titanium Price on Amazon. It’s been almost 2 years since I first reviewed one of my favorite graphing calculators with a computer algebra system, the TI-89 Titanium. The original TI-89, a smaller version of the old TI-92, was released in 1998 after Texas Instruments realized people didn’t want to have to pack a suitcase to bring their calculator to class. The TI-92 was a great calculator, but it was huge and because it had a QWERTY keyboard, it was banned from almost every standardized test (because for some reason the College Board feels that allowing calculator manufacturers to place keys in QWERTY format gives students an insurmountable advantage on the SAT).

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TI-89 vs. TI-Nspire CX CAS Review

Click here to see the TI-Nspire CX CAS price on Amazon. Once again a new school year is upon us, and that requires a fresh look at the TI-Nspire CX CAS vs. TI-89 Titanium debate. In addition to this article, you may want to check out my standalone TI-Nspire CX CAS Review and my TI-89 Titanium Review. I wrote a post on this topic a couple of years ago, but with each passing year it has to be updated.

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Video review: TI-89 titanium vs. TI-Nspire CAS

Click here for our in-depth written review of the TI-89 tianium vs. TI-Nspire CAS.

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