
Of Mind and Matter Review

Some links on this site are affiliate links, meaning a percentage of your purchase will support my work at Tech Powered Math at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support! This Christmas, I was given a copy of John Urschel’s memoir, of Mind and Matter. I was already somewhat familiar Urschel. He was known as something of a peculiarity in the sports world in the 2010s: the mathematician football player, first at Penn State, and then for the Baltimore Ravens.

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Mathematics and Ethics Education Should Go Hand in Hand

University of Exter Professor Paul Ernest has a new book out, The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Today, which includes a chapter called, “The Ethics of Mathematics: Is Mathematics Harmful?” In it, he raises some compelling questions about mathematics education as it stands and its effects on students. Ernest is quick to acknowledge the good that comes from learning math both for the individual and society and spends quite a bit of time expanding on this idea.

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