Ti Nspire

TI-Nspire Riemann Sums

In preparation for AP Calculus the other day, I was struggling with how to get the TI-Nspire to work Riemann sums as easily as the TI-84 does, since we typically use a program on the 84. After some time, I had come to the conclusion I’d either have to write a program myself or just accept the fact that it wouldn’t be as simple as it is with the TI-84.

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Red Ribbon Week TI-Nspire Door

So if you haven’t heard, it’s Red Ribbon Week, which is a time for students to celebrate a drug free lifestyle. It’s observed at many high schools across America, including the one I work at. For 2011, the theme of Red Ribbon is “Free to Be Drug Free.” Part of Red Ribbon Week at our school is a door decorating contest. With no prompting from me, my 5th hour Pre-Calculus class decided to turn the door into a TI-Nspire CX.

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Upgrade TI-Nspire to TI-Nspire CAS

(https://www.techpoweredmath.com/review-ti-89-vs-ti-nspire-cas/) I’m kind of obsessive about checking my analytics report to see what people are searching for. Lately, I’ve noticed the search coming from time to time “how to upgrade ti-nspire to ti-nspire cas.” This one makes me chuckle a bit (sorry if you arrived here on that search phrase and I’m chuckling at your expense). I would never put anything past the resourceful hackers/programmers at sites like ticalc.org an Ominmaga.

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TI-Nspire 3.0 Science Briefing and the “TI-Nspire Way”

I recently had my second briefing about the TI-Nspire CX and Nspire OS 3.0 with Mark Fry, Texas Instruments’ product line strategy manager for the TI-Nspire. While my first briefing back in February focused on the announcement of the Nspire CX and the broad range of new capabilities coming to the Nspire line, this time Fry focused in on giving me an overview of the science capabilities of Nspire 3.

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Science Tools Announced for TI-Nspire CX and OS 3.0

Texas Instruments didn’t stop with the announcement of the TI-Nspire CX. Now comes the announcement that users will have access to upgraded science tools for all TI-Nspire handhelds running OS 3.0. When the Nspire CX was announced a few weeks back, sharp eyed readers may have noticed a new icon at the bottom of the Nspire CX’s display, an Erlenmeyer flask. That addition is another new key feature, a fully dedicated app known as Vernier DataQuest, which allows users to collect data using a variety of scientific data collection devices.

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Video lesson: Basic graphing features of the TI-Nspire

This video lesson covers and introduction to graphing on the TI-Nspire. Inputting equations, tracing functions, and adjusting the graph window, and using zoom features are all explained as well as find a maximum, minimum, or x-intercept.

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Video review: TI-89 titanium vs. TI-Nspire CAS

Click here for our in-depth written review of the TI-89 tianium vs. TI-Nspire CAS.

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Video review: TI-84 vs. TI-Nspire buying guide

Click here for my in depth written TI-84+ vs. TI-Nspire buying guide.

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Video lesson: Imaginary and complex numbers on the TI-Nspire

Imaginary numbers can be a source of confusion when they are first introduced to a student, but they don’t have to be. Basically, we are trying to deal with the problem of the square root of a negative number. When we take the square root of negative one, the number is called i. This video lesson includes a brief explanation of complex numbers and a tutorial on how to use your TI-Nspire to do calculations involving complex numbers.

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Texas Instruments releases TI-Nspire OS 2.1

Texas Instruments has done a nice job of consistently releasing updates for its TI-Nspire handheld. But with OS 2.0 released in April, it is surprising to see OS 2.1 released just 3 months later, not that I’m complaining. A quick review of features on the official TI-Nspire OS site reveals that there are almost as many updates for teachers using Nspire Teacher Software as there are for those using an actual handheld.

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